Terms for booking

Sandy Toes Luxury Beach Picnics
Terms and Conditions of Hire
1. The ‘Hire Company’ i or the Company refers to Sandy Toes Luxury beach picnics
2. The ‘Client’ refers to any individual, firm, or corporation hiring equipment or appoints services from the ‘Hire Company’.
3. The ‘Equipment’ refers to all crockery, cutlery, glassware and props supplied to the ‘Client’.
4. The ‘Event Date’ is the day of the event supplied by the ‘Client’ to the ‘Hire Company’.
5. The ‘Hire Period’ is the total time the ‘Client’ will have in their possession the ‘Equipment’ for hire, as agreed with the ‘Hire Company’.
Conditions of Hire
Hire of equipment for a specified event date will not be confirmed until a 25% non-refundable booking fee has been paid and a signed and completed booking form returned to the hire company.
Until the booking fee has been received, the hire company reserves the right to liaise with other clients for the same event date and equipment. Please check before making a paying the booking fee to ensure the desired event date is still available.
By paying a booking fee and returning the signed booking form, the client understands and agrees to the Terms & Conditions of hire.
All quotations expire within 5 calendar days. The hire company reserves the right to adjust prices on any piece of equipment once the original quote has expired. A quotation does not “hold” the equipment until the booking fee has been paid. Any changes made after the initial deposit is received in subject to additional fees including a $25 fee per change plus any changes in price due to change in service.
Final Payment
The final balance of the invoice is due 72 hrs. prior NO EXCEPTION! to the agreed date of collection/delivery. These funds may be transferred via check direct deposit, Venmo or paid by Paypal ($20 charge for Paypal) info on our payment page here on our website. We are VERY busy making memories and are not required to inform you that your final payment is due. Many choose to pay for their picnic in full when making a deposit.
Missing, Broken & Damaged Equipment
All of our equipment is used on a regular basis and the majority is Vintage. Therefore, reasonable signs of wear and tear are to be expected.
Each piece is carefully inspected prior to packing. However, the client will be required to inspect the equipment to ensure all requested items have been provided and that each piece is free of damage and make contact with the hire company if there are any issues.
If an item is broken, the client is required to carefully collect the broken pieces (where possible) and return to the hire company. The company requires $150 deposit to bring ANY food or drink items to your picnic (client brings). Should there be any damage to any items caused by outside food or drink the $150 deposit will not be refunded and be kept by the company to cover damages. This includes "water" or other beverages in tumblers, etc.
Equipment use
The actual placement of a picnic on any given beach or at any location is at the discretion of the set up crew. We take care to set up in the location we feel is the best experience for you based on others in the area, sounds that may be distracting and accessibility. Once the picnic items arrive at the location and are placed on the beach (weather set up or not) the location will not be moved at the request of the client. Parasols and other items that may blow away during windy days and become a hazard will not be set up to ensure safety. Other items may not be available due to weather conditions as well as some decor. All items are washed between picnics (including soft surfaces) and the set up crew take care in preparing each picnic to ensure all items are free of stains. Any spills from items the client brings such as wine that cause a stain will be billed to the client at a rate of $150 per picnic to replace damaged items such as table covers, sand covers, pillows, chairs. We can not guarantee full shade for picnics due to wind conditions and other factors. The company does not guarantee cold or hot food items. Wind and weather conditions effect food temperatures therefore we do not guarantee proper temperature. The company does not guarantee food or drink will be free of sand due to beach conditions and wind. Any interruption or disruption to your picnic setup decor or food by outside forces such as beachgoers, birds and other outside factors will not be the responsibility of the company. The company recommends NOT feeding any wildlife to prevent disruption of food. Detailed photos are taken at the beginning of each picnic and again before clean up and after to document any damage if any is found.
Hire Period
Should in climate weather occur causing the client to cut short their scheduled time allowed the picnic will not be prorated and the original cost for services will still be valid. No refunds for in climate weather. This includes wind and cold conditions. The company takes great care in setting up picnics in weather that is expected to be clear of rain. The company reserves the right to cancel scheduled picnics due to rain possibilities. The picnic period is from the time the picnic is scheduled to begin not when the client arrives. Should the client request more time due to lateness of client there will be a $175 per hr fee ( or $85 for 30 min. and at the discretion of the set up crew as to availability of said addition. Use of marijuana or cigarettes in any form (even if prescribed) will constitute the end of picnic no exceptions no refunds! Any prohibited items brought to the picnic will constitute the end of your picnic with no refund given. Items include (balloons, confetti, fire, candles). If client arrives intoxicated and the set up crew feels it is a hazard to our equipment or the client to proceeded with the picnic te set up crew will promptly clean up and no refund will be given. Foul language or gestures directed at staff will not be tolerated and will end picnic immediately with no refund.
A non-refundable booking fee is required to secure all bookings. This booking fee is taken from the total amount owing . When a booking fee is taken, the hire company no longer takes bookings for the time slot on the requested date. In the event of cancellation, the booking fee is non-refundable and retained by the hire company. There is a no refund policy that is upheld and if a client has to cancel due to weather (20% chance or rain or more) they will have a 7 day grace period the reschedule a picnic experience. We do not refund deposits due to natural disasters such as hurricanes not allowing access to picnic areas. If the picnic date changes there will need to be a new deposit made to secure that date. We do not cancel due to wind or cold weather. If the location chosen is not accessible or roadways in the vicinity is blocked or closed and alternative location will be chosen and shared with the client asap! In the event there is a rain chance of 20% or more and the client decided to go ahead with the picnic anyway NO refunds are given for missed time at picnic due to rain. Basically once you give the ok and we set up the picnic is yours weather or not you use it and not refundable. Food costs are not refundable for any reason. Food is purchased from local restaurants and suppliers (Company are not caterers and do not prepare any food)
In the event that the location changes and delivery is being made, the client must provide as much notice as possible. Increased travel fees may be charged. The company will gladly set up your picnic at an indoor location upon your request due to bad weather (20% chance or rain or more)
Food and drink items
Menu items are purchased prepared and sealed. No food is ever handled with bare hands. No alcohol will be provided. Delivery items received are ordered by the client and the company is not liable for incorrect orders or missing items. All allergies to food must be disclosed when choosing food items. The company does not prepare food items and is not liable for food quality, proper temperature or illness caused by edible items and drinks. Sandy Toes Luxury Picnics does NOT have a catering license therefore all cooked and prepared foods are provided by state licensed food services, Charcuterie boards and cheese boards do not have to be licensed in the state of Florida and fall under previously prepared foods category.
Force Majeure
If the Hirer is unable at any time to perform any of its obligations whether wholly or partly by reason of any cause beyond its control (including without limitation acts of God, inclement weather, Hurricane, strikes, lockouts, bushfires, fires, floods, traffic accidents, riots, pandemics, hurricane, tropical storm,civil commotion or unrest, acts of government, interference by civil or military authorities, terrorist attacks or act of war) the Hirer may give written notice to that effect to the Client, giving full particulars of such force majeure in which case the obligations of the Hirer under these Terms shall, to the extent that they are affected by the force majeure, be suspended during the term of the force majeure. The Hirer shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Client as a result of any delays caused by such force majeure events nor will the Hirer be liable for loss or damage suffered by the Client in the event of the Client cancelling or postponing due to a force majeure event.
The hire company shall in no way be held responsible or accountable for any damage, injury, death or loss of income caused to the client, any third parties or properties due to the hire of equipment or provided services by the hire company. All equipment is hired and is the responsibility of the client until returned to the hire company.